Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am down a pant size!!! I'm down a shirt size!!! Yipppeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I am so excited that my body is really getting smaller! I have been feeling so much better, but I didn't realize that I was actually losing so many inches! Hooray! When I got dressed this morning, I had to wear a shirt that I hadn't worn in a long time (it was one of those shirts that I only wear if ALL my other clothes are dirty because it's too small). Anyway, I put it on and it was too big! So, I found another shirt that was tight when I bought it last year or the year before and it fit! It was comfortable! :) After having success with my shirts, I decided to try on my pants that I haven't been able to wear for a long time. Well, I got into those just fine! I tried them on last week, and there was no way I was going to fit into them, but today I could! Yippeeee!!!! Progress is being made!
Oh, and I totally did a victory dance in my closet! I was dancin' and singin'! I had to do it quiet because everybody else was asleep. I totally celebrated though!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

We had some friends over for games tonight and I knew that they were going to be bringing something to eat--something that I have decided not to eat. Anyway, I knew it would be tempting, so I fixed a veggie tray! I didn't put too many on there, just cucumbers and red peppers. I wanted to have something to eat too while they were all eating their goodies. It surprised me how easy it was to not have any of what they were all having. It looked yummy, but I knew that if I ate it, I wouldn't feel very good tonight or tomorrow. Anyway, I had my cucumbers and red peppers and thoroughly enjoyed it! Surprisingly enough, our friends even had some after they were done with their dessert! Cool! I'm so happy that I passed that test! I know that is one of MANY tests that will come my way. I didn't feel as awkward as I thought I would--eating veggies and all. :)
PS I am DETERMINED to report a loss this week. I don't know how big the loss will be, but there WILL BE a loss! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been noticing the past couple of days that I am feeling so good! I'm feeling like myself again! I've not lost much weight, but I feel healthier. Since my surgery in '07 it's been kind of a hard road and I've either been in pain or tired or both. Anyway, I'm just starting to feel like I can actually live my life in comfort. I think that there is a mental shift going on in my head. I tell myself almost daily that "I am healthy, I am happy, and I am successful." The power of thought is so strong. I am what I believe. I know that some of the health problems that I've had in the past were very, very real, but I am very, very ready to be healthy!!! I'm on my way! I'm on my way to being even healthier, happier and more successful. I loved what Jeff put on his blog about today being a gift. Each new day is just that "new". I get to decide what I'll do with that gift. There is no need for me be hard on myself for past mistakes, I can be who and what I want to be today! Thanks again for posting that, Jeff.
I have been really enjoying what I'm eating. I actually LIKE vegetables! Who would have thought? Not me! I've always been the one to take as few as possible--sometimes none. I am finding that they taste good to me now. Wow, that's really something!
I decided today (actually I think I decided a while ago) that I'm not in this for just a few months. I am in this for a long, long time. I love how I feel. I love feeling healthy and energetic. I feel like I can get so much done in my day because I am nourishing my body with the correct foods. I think that when I nourish my body correctly, I am also nourishing my spirit and my mind.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Git 'er done

I'm staying on track--eatin' what I should, thinkin' how I should, and actin' how I should. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Up and Down, Down and Up!

Well, my weigh in today was disappointing. I was bummed that it was what it was. Yesterday when I weighed, I was 239.8! I was really excited that I'd be able to report a loss, but today it was 242.2 Bummer! Well, I am going to keep at it and not let a few numbers mess with my head and mess me up. I'm determined to stay strong and keep going with this. I am feeling better and feeling the effects of eating well. So, it might not show on the scale, but I do see differences. I'm going to keep my positive outlook. Here's to another week!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's up?

Okay, so this week I have been eating really well for the most part. I've had a few hiccups here and there but nothing major. Anyway, I'm thinking that I should be losing some weight, right? Well, I got on the scale today and it's more than it was when I weighed last week! Of course, it's not much more, but it's more! I guess it can change from day to day. I sure hope it goes down by Tuesday! I'll keep hangin' on! So, to get to where I want to be, I have to lose like 43% of my body weight! Holy Cow! Okay, so I shouldn't let that freak me out. I just need to take it one step--one day at a time. I can do this. It's going to happen. It has to!
I am going to be going to girl's camp in June and a Laurel camp out earlier that same month. I really, really, really want to feel like I can contribute and have fun! I've got to lose this weight! I CAN DO IT! I WILL DO IT! I AM DOING IT!
I know I've said that all before, but I am giving myself a pep talk here! :) I'm doing a pretty good job, I might add. :)
Okay, so here's to another week of hangin' on and loving the journey! This IS going to happen!